How it is possible, that one a file for the pressure in a Reproanstalt
or where always normally also, exports? As you know Reproanstaltens work
not with the Amiga as well as FinalWriter.
If the Reproanstaltens work with a PC and Win95, so one can itself that
Windows-version of Finalwriter 5.05 procures.
Mostly these work with a Macintosh however. And furthermore, whoever gives
already money for a Windows-version from? -)
More elegantly and the variation is more advantageous, the document into a mail -
Script-Datei in the Adobe format, to print 2.0. Work first however from
OS 2.0.
To the preparation of the document, one should an Adobe-Font (...pfb)
uses, since problems occur with the pressure otherwise.
Menu: Project | pressures...
Printing processes = PostScript-Datei
Button PostScript... dials in order to alter the configuration.
The most important attitudes:
Druckertyp = parallel
Tone = color
Font-Download = 1 xes per Font
Page format = the Dokumenten-Seitengr��e
With �Okay �the attitudes leaves.
Declares now only, what should be printed and sends.
File-name declares! with .ps-Endung.
Generally so well.
Now one must PC0 with the Device: or PC1: in the system-table:
Storage/DOSDrivers / a PC-capable diskette produces. (Formats)
Since the stored .ps-Datei is a text file, one still must that
Program CrossDOS activates.
Attitudes: PC0: or PC1:
Text-filters activate
Text-convertibility inaktivieren
Convertibility-type: ASCII-7 put in
Now one can copy the .ps-Datei on the PC-capable diskette and to the
Pressure takes.
Enclosed: FinalWriter writes the information of the .pfb-Fonts with into that
.ps-datei, so that not the Font on the Ausdruck"-PC existing
must be.
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